‘Stars without vertigo’ & the power of our mind
My greatest reward as a psychologist is helping students remove what is standing in their way of performing to their very best and helping them reach their full potential! As a coach, I see a lot of students who experience psychological barriers and frequent unhelpful thoughts that play havoc with their confidence, motivation and performance and reduce their self-belief and grades as a result. Not too long ago I Skype-coached a student who was just about to do his GCSEs who came to me with anxiety that prevented him from sleeping the night before an exam, experiencing stomach pain, going shaky, feeling faint, sweating, and unable to eat breakfast, leading him, and his performance into a vicious circle. After a few online sessions where we worked on his inner coach, utilising his key strengths, visualisation, affirmative thinking and stress release techniques he sat his exams with confidence, focus and courage. This really shows the power of our mindsets and how important mindsets are. I was incredibly proud when I heard the news from his parents late Aug that their son had got all 9s and 8s in his exams! That is my true reward. Because I know that this 16-year-old boy has a new earned mindset that will improve his confidence, courage and success, not just in exams, but for life!